A320 Type Rating Training

Pre-Entry Requirements

  • Unless otherwise determined in the operational suitability data established in accordance with Annex I (Part-21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 (OSD), applicants for the issue of a class or type rating shall comply with the following experience requirements and prerequisites for the issue of the type rating:
  • Hold or have held a multi-engine IR(A);
  • Valid CPL with valid ATPL (A) theoretical knowledge examinations, issued in accordance with the requirement of FCL.515; or ATPL issued in accordance with requirements of Part-FCL
  • Valid Medical Class I
  • Multi-Crew Cooperation (MCC) Course Completion Certificate. Applicants not holding MCC Course Completion Certificate are permitted to enter the type rating training if the MCC training is combined with the type rating training
  • Have the Advanced UPRT Course Completion Certificate issued in accordance with FCL.745 (a)
  • ICAO English Proficiency Level 4 or Above
  • Minimum 70 hours of flying as PIC on airplanes
Apply for Training
Pre-Entry Requirements

Training Programs

Multi Crew Coordination (MCC) Included
Ground Training – Theoretical Knowledge Instruction for MCC 4 25
Ground Training – Theoretical Knowledge Instruction for 5 30
Computer Based Training (CBT) 5 32
Cockpit Procedure Trainer (CPT) 9 36
Flight Training Device (FTD) for MCC 5 20
Full Flight Simulator 10 40
Ground Training – Theoretical Knowledge Instruction for 5 30
Computer Based Training (CBT) 5 32
Cockpit Procedure Trainer (CPT) 9 36
Full Flight Simulator 10 40

* If you already have a MCC certificate, MCC related ground course and Full Flight simulator will not be applied.

* It can be tailored according to the DGCA requirement of the applicant